a year ago
API additions: cosmetic information and friends count
This update regards our API, a programmatic way to access some of the Hive's data. It's mainly intended for a more technical audience. For more information about our API, check out our support site.
The following information is now available on our API, on the "main" endpoints:
- The number of hub titles unlocked, as "hub_title_count"
- The number of costumes unlocked, as "costume_count"
- The number of avatars unlocked, as "avatar_count"
- The number of friends, as "friend_count"
- The equipped hub title, as a string under "equipped_hub_title", or null if none is equipped. Please note hub titles use classic Minecraft coloring codes, prefixed with the & symbol. Some hub titles use custom glyphs; at this time, we do not publicly provide our custom glyphs.
- The equipped costume, as a string under "equipped_costume", or null if none is equipped.
- The equipped avatar, as an array (url and name) under "equipped_avatar", or null if none is equipped. Avatars images are copyrighted material; you may display them in creations directly related to The Hive (statistic websites, Discord statistic/profile bots), but not independently or in competing products or services.