BedWars: Patch 1
A patch to BedWars is deploying to all regions. This patch fixes bugs, adds new items, and starts to tweak various gameplay elements.
Developer Note: Thank you all for your feedback! We'll be doing regular patches to BedWars this week as we aim to balance and improve where needed. This patch focuses on smaller changes, but more substantial changes will be coming next week, including the re-implementation of Boomboxes and Bridge Builders.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where you could damage other players while respawning
- Fixed an issue where you could kill your teammates in rare circumstances
- Fixed an issue where beds could be left on an island if the team left the game
General Changes
- AFK kicking grace period has been increased
- Dragon Fireball now has a cooldown between throws
- Turrets will now break if their supporting block is destroyed
- Reduced the cap of per-island turrets to 3, from 4
- Removed 32 wool from showing in the Inventory UI renderer
- Made the "Bed Destroyed" on-screen title bigger and more noticeable
Developer Note: We'll be further improving UI and sounds in future patches.
New Items
- Added Fall Boots
- Added Deepslate blocks
Developer Note: There are more items coming! We're monitoring your feedback and suggestions. Don't panic if your favorite item isn't in yet!
Economy Changes
- Increased the cost of Iron Armor to 28 gold, from 20
- Increased the cost of Obsidian to 2 emeralds, from 1
- Reduced the cost of Golden Apples to 30 gold, from 40
- Increased the cost of Knockback Dory to 6 emeralds, from 4
- Reduced the cost of the Tracking Compass to 1 emerald, from 5
- Reduced the cost of the Stone Sword to 5 iron, from 6
- Changed the cost of Bows to 5 diamonds, from 10 gold
- Reduced the cost of Arrows to 8 gold, from 10
Developer Note: Balance in a new game is always hard to judge. We'll continue listening to your feedback and make regular changes to get the economy feeling great!
Thank you all for your feedback this far! BedWars has a long life ahead of it and this is just the beginning. If you wish to leave feedback, please use our dedicated BedWars Feedback Form.