a year ago
Global Maintenance - 03-04-2023
The Hive will be down for global maintenance today, April 3rd. During this time, all regions are unavailable.
During this time, we are making multiple backend and infrastructure changes. Because of this, we have no set ending time for this maintenance. We appreciate your patience and will be back online as soon as we can.
In addition to nonpublic facing changes, the following minor changes and improvements are releasing:
- Added the /joinfriend (/jf) command
- The current XP reward, from login streaks, now shows the correct number for streaks under 11 days
- Fixed party invites revealing players appearing offline
- Fixed various commands revealing player nicknames
- The party invite command is now case-insensitive
- Various error messages are now properly translated, rather than always being in English
- Fixed the /party and /friend commands having the same "tab completions"/command suggestions, despite having different subcommands
- Resolved a potential kick when modifying multiple preferences in BlockParty
- Implemented a speculative fix, which should resolve Custom Server presets not loading at times